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Talk about us.Creativity, Women & Color.

Historically, women have been left aside in society. We have had to commit to ourselves first and change our way of thinking about what it means to be a woman and what we can achieve, in order to be able to change the way that society sees us and to help us reach our current position.

Creativity bias is the general thought that women are perceived as being less creative than men and the worst part is that, too often, as women, we believe that this thought is true. Women need to change our own way of thinking about ourselves so as to go pass beyond this mind-set.

We need a huge capacity to change the viewpoint of the system, to convince our equals and act accordingly to make the change.

While I was writing this post, I visited an art exhibition at the Centre George Pompidou: “Le Cubisme”. While I was walking and gazing at the works of all the different artists participating, I was delighted by what you can see in this image. To my surprise, this canvas was the only one painted by woman: the artist Sonia Delaunay. Curiosity made me investigate that woman and I am still surprised by her capacity to make art in multiple disciplines. At her beginnings, Sonia made a patchwork quilt for his son, probably her first art creation. That made me think about those women who create art every day, sewing patiently for hours to create a quilt or whatever they handmade: I think they do not know what an artist they are.

Sonia Delaunay knew how to turn her ideas into creativity in different disciplines and finally, she has been recognised as the first female artist to have a retrospective exhibition at the Louvre.

In the specific field of creativity, we need to be proud because those women who first made art needed to convince a hostile audience with their feminine art and fight against all the male members that represented art at that time, in order to become artists of reference.

I think that Sonia is a good example of a woman who overcomes the system and its obstacles to become who she wants to be. As she said: “I always changed everything around me… I made my first white walls so our paintings would look better. I designed my furniture; I have done everything. I have lived my art.”

The next step should be that no matter the gender, we must learn to integrate the different performances to become more creative as well as to accept all the behaviours in our hearts and to establish a more peaceful, colourful and diverse new world, because, as Sonia Delaunay said : “Colour is the skin of the world”

Pic by Montse Ferrer i Masagué


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