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Writer's pictureMontse DomínguezMunllonch

Team : Noèlia Ribó.

Updated: Apr 8, 2020

♥️ team Noèlia Ribó#volunteer as #contentwriter.⁠

〽️This is me, Noelia.I am from Barcelona. I work as an English teacher in a small school I opened some years ago. I've always worked as a teacher and I love it. I have another passion apart from teaching which is#traveling a round the#world

I do it as much as I can, since it gives me the possibility of learning from all the#cultures and people I've been able to see and meet. ⁠

The world is much too enriching to stay at home. I never say no to the chance of growing as a woman and because of this I am so happy and proud to#collaborate with Coachability Foundation. ⁠

Having the chance to say something to other#women based on my experience is an honor. What I stand for and the way I see the world with an honest vision is what I want to offer. ⁠Thanks for listening ⁠

If you want to know about Noelia's posts visit our blog in the link


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