"Vandalize a fascist message and turn it into another of freedom."
Roberta Marrero was born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, on March 2, 1972. She is a contemporary artist, singer and Spanish actress.
Her works as an illustrator, Marrero mixes and decontextualizes popular images, giving rise to new meanings, and using the technique of artistic appropriation.
For example, in his first published book, "Dictadores" (Hidroavión editions, 2015), he transforms several photographs of icons of totalitarianism with images related to the pop world. Thus exposes Mao surrounded by characters whose face has been covered by the repeated head of Hello Kitty or presents a portrait of Franco makeup with a lightning bolt on the face, in the style of David Bowie on the cover of "Aladine Sane". this publication, the artist states that her intention was:
"Vandalize a fascist message and turn it into another of freedom."
Roberta Marrero.