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Writer's pictureMontse Ferrer i Masagué

Donation Party #weareopenreigerparkevent. Women who help women, Meritxell Griñan Cabrera.

Meritxell one of ours winners of We are Open Reiger Park Event in Barcelona.

I am Meritxell, I live in a village near Barcelona (Catalonia). It was very exciting to be one of the winners of the rings from #reigerparkweareopenevent I participated in the event because I feel committed to the people I love and I like to help them in the projects they participate in.

I am an active and fighting woman who combines work, family, friendships and all areas of life in the best way I know. That is why I admire those women who also do it and who want to have opportunities to build a business that allows them to be independent and to live the life they want.

All the best Meritxell.



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