I am a weird Japanese girl.As you can see I wear a traditional Japanese dress but it is only to help my sister. I lived and studied in Paris.Japan and France have connections that people aren't aware about it.I study jewelry design in a Design University in Paris. At the beginning it was really difficult but now I am one more parisian girl. My reference and influencer are from Coco Chanel and Simone de Beauvoir both of them represent the freedom, the feminism, the empowerment of the contemporanean women. When I arrived in Paris I spent a lot of time walking down the street, intending to absorb all the french atmosphere. It is not anymore about the old style, but more about a fusion that is more rich in terms of design. Nowadays, I realise that the fusion is inside of me.I took my Japanese style and I mixed it with the french style. the result is the result. I don't intend to like everyone ! These days there is a holidays break at the university and I help my sister at work.Tradition and future are present in my life these days.
Pic by Daniel Gudiña