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Writer's pictureNoèlia Ribó

Womenpreneurs, an up-close and personal view of women creating power.

Womenpreneurs Project: an up-close and personal view of women creating power.

“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working”, PABLO PICASSO

When I think of women of any kind, from anywhere, located in any time past, present or future, I picture them working, busy, active and in movement. Whether we like it or not, it’s our path and role in surviving and walking through life, as human beings in general, and as women in particular. Because let’s be honest, being a woman is still tough in many more parts of the world than we can count.

Women need extra effort to achieve any goal in life. It may be the way it is, but it is definitively NOT ok, and it shouldn’t be a standardized situation. I consider myself lucky because in my own way, I have been beating the establishment quite hard for as long as I can remember. Becoming an independent entrepreneur since I was 20 is part of my everyday living, but it hasn’t been easy, though. Creating and being an entrepreneur is hard work. It requires strength in spirit and mind; hope and excitement; but mostly, it requires resources. And that’s what most women lack of: resources, and what’s the same, access to these resources.

Survival is what inspires us, and inspiration is what makes us creative and productive. So being women, inspiration will most definitively catch us working, so we better be listening and paying attention, so that when we have a dream and we are full of hopes and creativity flowing in our minds, we can do everything in our power to make it happen.

That’s what Coachability Foundation is for, to offer women full of ideas and creativity the power and the resources to turn their inspiration into reality. There are thousands of examples of women who are constantly running their own business and projects around the world. We want to show you some of them from a very up-close and personal view. By getting to know other people’s projects, we can getsome inspiration for our own, as well as realizing that we all belong to the same worldwide community of women who choose entrepreneurship as our own way of getting by.

Womenpreneurs Project is an approach to a wide range of women from Barcelona and Amsterdam, who once decided to become entrepreneurs and to follow their guts and break the rules. We love challenges and breaking rules of the expected, and we love the power of women doing so, these are our women .....

We are going to publish our first interview in the following days.

Written by Noèlia Ribó.

Pic by CoWomen.

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