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Writer's pictureMontse DomínguezMunllonch

Ethiopia’s national dialogue commission: where are the women?⁠⁠

Updated: Apr 19, 2022

⁠In December 2021, Ethiopian lawmakers voted to establish a National Dialogue Commission to oversee “broad-based inclusive public dialogue that engenders national consensus”. ⁠

Not long after, a coalition of Ethiopian women’s organisations issued a joint statement calling for the meaningful representation of women in the new body. Yet when the lawmakers narrowed the pool of 632 potential commission members, who were nominated by the public, to 42, only 4 women remained. The final list of 11 commissioners includes 3 women. ⁠

Without this, structural inequalities and societal tendencies that exclude women, minorities, people living with disabilities and other marginalised groups are likely to result in a commission that is unable to achieve the objectives of the National Dialogue. ⁠

Women suffer the negative consequences of the absence of national consensus. Their voices and leadership should contribute equally to addressing the root causes of crises in Ethiopia. ⁠

There can be no deep democracy without the inclusion and equal participation of all men and women.Diversity is the key to building inclusive democracies, and is inextricably linked to gender equality. Gender equality implies that women and men enjoy the same status, have equal opportunities to contribute to national, political, social, cultural and economic development, and benefit from the results.

Curator @munllonch⁠

Pic by Estela @kimissomewhere⁠


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