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Changemakers. Renata Flores ⁠

Writer's picture: Montse DomínguezMunllonchMontse DomínguezMunllonch

⁠Changemarkers. Our recommendation Qam hina by Renata Flores ⁠

ESP."Mi abuelita no pudo concluir sus estudios en la escuela; pues era muy complicado llegar a ella;

¡cuánto tiempo a pasado desde entonces y todavía no ha cambiado esa realidad!; los peligros que los niños tienen que sufrir en tan larga caminata, en especial las niñas, muchas de ellas dejan de estudiar a causa de ello. Los pueblos en las zonas rurales han sufrido mucho y lo seguirán haciendo si es que no pensamos en ellos como nuestra gente, nuestra sangre; ellos son merecedores de más atención, ya bastante tiempo han estado en el olvido, sólo los recordamos en el friaje y en realidad merecen más que un abrigo... como yo, como tú = "qam hina". Hagamos eco de su reclamo!

""My grandmother could not finish her studies at school; it was very difficult to get to there; This was so long, but that reality has not yet changed !; the dangers that boys have to suffer in such a long walk, especially girls, make them to drop out their studies. The people rural areas have suffered a lot and will continue to do so if we do not think of them as our people, our blood; they deserve more attention, they have been forgotten for a long time, we only remember them in the "friaje" and they really deserve more than a coat ... like me, like you = "qam hina". Let's echo their voice. Said Renata.⁠he cold and they really deserve more than a coat ... like me, like you = "qam hina". Let's echo your claim!

Said Renata.

⌘ Who is this #remarkable woman ? ⁠ 14-year-old indigenous Peruvian Renata Flores sings a Michael Jackson cover in the Quechua language, becoming a symbol of the fight against racial discrimination.

Quechua is the native language of the Incas in South America and, like most of our indigenous languages, finds itself in danger due to sociopolitical and economic factors. Renata Flores has decided to confront this issue and revitalize her roots through her songs in Quechua.

After several years, Renata has released her own songs in the genres of Pop and Trap, such as Qawachkanchik chay Killallata (Looking at the Same Moon), Tijeras (Scissors) and Miradas (Glances), to shed light on several social issues. ⁠ ⁠♪ If you want to listen more delicious voices, please go to our play list in this link Pic © Renata Flores. ⁠ #coachabilityfoundation #coachability #empoweringwomenthroughcreativity #transformativeleadershipthroughcreativity #empoweringentrepreneurwomen #empoweringartistwomen #renataflores #peruviansinger #quechua #renataflores #nomoremuses #wehaeavoice #empowerinwomensinger #transformativeleadershipthouhcreativity


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