Recommended Book. African Female Entrepreneurship
Merging Profit and Social Motives for the Greater Good by Amanobea Boateng
❉ Contributing to academic discussions on entrepreneurship and gender in Africa, this book provides coverage of recent trends and an exploration of the evolution of female entrepreneurship over time. This innovative new text, written from an African woman’s perspective, fills a gap in current literature on this topic and places important focus on the role of female entrepreneurship in Africa’s development as a continent. Focussing on key issues such as social feminism and the capability approach, the author addresses the possibility of a potential overlap between social entrepreneurship and female entrepreneurship in Africa. Insightful accounts of women from countries such as South Africa, Namibia and Ghana, along with theoretical research into the further development and advancement of female entrepreneurs, make this book an important must-read for those interested in entrepreneurship and gender in Africa
❉ Who is this #remarkablewoman ? Amanobea is a small-business development consultant with a particular interest in female entrepreneurship. Her book on African female entrepreneurship will be published in October 2017. Until December 2016, she was the program manager for the women’s financial inclusion program of the Graça Machel Trust, represented in 17 African countries. She has worked for PriceWaterhouseCoopers in Ghana, KPMG in Zambia, and the South African mining companies, Anglo American Corporation and Gold.
African Female Entrepreneurship
Why is important the entrepreneurship ?
Enterprise development is a crucial engine of economic growth and jobs creation. Without entrepreneurship, there would be little innovation, little productivity growth, and few new jobs. Over three-quarters of the African population believe that entrepreneurs are admired in their societies. Entrepreneurship is also seen by 76% of Africans as a good career choice. This is the highest rate in
the world. Global Entrepreneurship Research Association - GERA (2018).
Advancing gender equality is smart economics, sound business practice, and essential development policy. When women and men have equal opportunities to shape their own lives and contribute to their families, communities, and countries, it leads to enhanced productivity, improved development outcomes, and better performance by businesses and institutions. United Nations (2017).
Empowering Entrepreneur Women.
Pic Amanobea Boateng
Curator Munllonch
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